Theory of change
This is the guiding theory about the change you expect to see from doing your project. It is a high-level description of your project activities, the issue or opportunity you are trying to address in your community, and the anticipated project outcomes.
Logic model
The logic model is used to help build more detail of what you will need to do to achieve results. It helps you to think about what you will need to have and do as part of your project, and some of the potential risks, results and impacts.
Outcomes measurement framework
This tool helps you choose indicators of change and to plan the way that you will collect data for your project. It helps you think through who in your team will be doing this work and when it will need to happen.
Frequently asked questions
I have a question I can’t find the answer to, who can help me?
Our Lotterywest Healthway team would be happy to help you. Please contact us on 133 777 or
Can I use this tool to submit a grant application?
No, however you can use this tool to create documents that you may want to attach to a Lotterywest or Healthway grant application or send to other funders to strengthen your proposal. You can find out about Lotterywest or Healthway grants by visiting our website.
Where can I get more information about what funding is available?
Visit the Lotterywest website at
Visit the Healthway website at
A directory of Commonwealth Government grants is available at
Philanthropy Australia is a good place to find out more about other funding that may be available to you
I want to learn more about social impact, who can help me?
The Lotterywest Healthway Social Impact team would be happy to provide general support. You can contact us on 133 777 or
The Centre for Social Impact at the University of Western Australia has a range of courses that can help you learn more about social impact. You may also want to join SIMNA Ltd which is a network of people interested in learning and sharing information about social impact.
The University of Technology Sydney has free, online learning programs and tools which include a database of verified social impact measurement tools.
I don’t understand the need or opportunity in my community. Who can help me find out more?
The Community Impact Hub has information and tools that can help you learn more about how your community is going, based on publicly available data, as well as learning from others about what has been happening to help support the community.
You can also find great information from your Local Government, peak organisations and neighbourhood centres or local groups.